this is the site for my team, beytex, witch is a team for beyblades.
we are based in Melbourne, Australia and because the team is involved in battling other teams to members must be able to make it to most Melbourne world beyblade organization (W.B.O for short) tournaments.
if you wish to join go to the how do i join? section of the site to find out.

recent news: next tournament this team will be involved with is BeyQuake on august 28th, run by omega. we will attempt to battle the prodigies there. try to get on the list and try to come, as we will have more battles then that.

we have a few new members. welcome my brothers Leone9337 torcher123, rockleone40000, volticlynx and JINX. these members will start battling in team chalenges and hopefully win tournaments to improve our team's rank (one place winner till we become pro).

finally, i have opened 2 new divisions, a plastics division and a HMS division. we have rayquazonX as the leader for the HMS division and we need a plastics leader so if you have plastics please pm me on the WBO. if there is no found leader by the next plastic format tournament, rayquazon will be leader as he owns many plastics, just not much skill at the current time.

thats all the current news at the moment, please visit this site often and post on the blog. this site will now be used more often.

team leader,

i would also like to thank cyberpegasis 29 for my avatar witch i turned into the banner of this site.